Yemen Bibliography was compiled by American Institute for Yemeni Studies [Yemen].
There are 23 entries in 4 reference types in this bibliography searching keyword with Status.



  • Dostal, W. (1985). Die Bani ushaysh. In Egalität und Klassengesellschaft in Südarabien: Anthropologische Untersuchungen zur sozialen Evolution (pp. 159-340). Horn: Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne.
    Keyword(s): Agriculture, Ascribed, Economy, Kinship, Lifecycle, Status, Tribes
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Gast, M. (1982). Intoduction à la vie d'une communauté Yéménite: Thula. In J. Digard (Ed.), Le cuisinier et le philosophe. Hommage à Maxime Rodinson (pp. 103-10). Paris: G.P. Maisonneuve et Larose.
    Keyword(s): Ascribed, Government, Status, Thula
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Kostiner, J. (1984). The impact of the arami emigrants in the East Indies on Islamic modernism and social change in the aramawt during the 20th century. In R. Israeli (Ed.), Southeast and East Asia (2 ed.) (pp. 206-37). Jerusalem: The Magnes Press.
    Keyword(s): Aramawt, Ascribed, Islam, Nationalism, Status
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Serjeant, R. (1977). South Arabia. In C. van Nieuwenhuijze (Ed.), Commoners, Climbers and Notables: A Sampler of Studies on Social Ranking in the Middle East (pp. 226-47). Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    Keyword(s): Ascribed, Jews, Kafaah, Sayyids, Slaves, Status, Tribes
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Serjeant, R. (1981). South Arabia. In R. Serjeant (Ed.), Studies in Arabian History and Civilization (pp. 226-47). London: Valorium Reprints.
    Keyword(s): Aliya, Jews, Kafaah, Sayyids, Slaves, Status, Tribes
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML


  • Hébert, M. (1984). Yemeni women - Still at home. Cultural Survival Quarterly, 8 (2), 41-42.
    Keyword(s): Migration, Remittances, Status
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Khalidi, O. (1984). Consequences of Hadrami migration to India: The Arab presence in Haydarabad. Ad-Darah, 10, 5-29.
    Keyword(s): Aramawt, Arami, Ascribed, Status
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Mermier, F. (1985). Patronyme et hierarchie sociale à Sanaa (Yémen). Peuples Méditerranéens/Mediterannean Peoples, 33 (Oct-Dec), 33-41.
    Keyword(s): Ascribed, Status
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Mermier, F. (1989). De l'usage d'un concept: La citadinité à Sanaa. Peuples méditerranéens/Mediterranean Peoples, 46 (Jan-Mar), 31-48.
    Keyword(s): Ascribed, Costume, Marriage, Qat, Sana'a, Status
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Molyneux, M. (1979). Women and revolution in the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. Feminist Review, 1, 5-19.
    Keyword(s): Status, Union, Women
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Niewöhner-Eberhard, E. (1977). Das jemenistisch-arabische Innenhofhaus in ada, Jemen. Der Islam, 54 (2), 177-204.
    Keyword(s): Adah, Architecture, House, Status
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Sadek, N. (1989). Rasulid women: Power and patronage. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 19 (Proceedings of the Twenty), 121-36.
    Keyword(s): Rasulid, Status, Women
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Weir, S. (1975). Some observations on pottery and weaving in the Yemen Arab Republic. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 5 (Proceedings of the Eighth), 65-69.
    Keyword(s): Ascribed, Status
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
