About the Area Studies Bibliography Database

American Overseas Research Centers (AORCs) offer unique access to local expertise and resources. Library staff and scholars at AORCs compile bibliographies of Area Studies literature for inclusion in the DLIR online resources. AORCs operate in host countries, providing them access to unpublished gray literature or materials published locally in limited numbers in addition to more widely available materials.

Each record in the database may be dowloaded for use in personal bibliographic software (e.g. Endnote, Zotero; etc) in three standard formats: BibTex, CSV, and XML.

Currently the database contains the following bibliographies:


Transnationalism Bibliography


Mongolia Dissertations and Theses


Yemen Bibliography

Funding for developing this database came from a variety of sources, including:

U.S. Department of Education's Technological Innovation and Cooperation for Foreign Information Access program
Council for American Overseas Research Centers
U.S. Department of Education American Overseas Research Center program