Browse Archive Items (140 total)

Amitabayin sudur orošiboi

Description: Black and red ink clear script manuscript
Publisher: [s.n.]
Contributor: Tod Nomyn Gerel Center

Yazariyin šinjini zuraxai orošiboi

Description: Black and red ink clear script manuscript
Publisher: [s.n.]
Contributor: Tod Nomyn Gerel Center

Zodopayin ači tusa oroši-bui

Description: Black and red ink clear script manuscript
Publisher: [s.n.]
Contributor: Tod Nomyn Gerel Center

Arban caγān buyani aci tusa arban xara nöüliyin xora terigöütni üzüüleqsen todorxoi zula kemēkü orošibo

Description: Black and red ink clear script manuscript
Publisher: [s.n.]
Contributor: Tod Nomyn Gerel Center

Xutuqtu dāre eke kemēkü yeke külgüni sudur orošiboi

Description: Black and red ink clear script manuscript
Publisher: [s.n.]
Contributor: Tod Nomyn Gerel Center

Sonosōd toniloqči zourdiyin sudur oro-šiboi

Description: Black and red ink clear script manuscript
Publisher: [s.n.]
Contributor: Tod Nomyn Gerel Center

Altan üsün xutγa tamu ebdekü xourai kemēkü orošiboi

Description: Black and red ink clear script manuscript
Publisher: [s.n.]
Contributor: Tod Nomyn Gerel Center

Caγan dare ekeyin nige bölöq touji orošiboi

Description: Black and red ink clear script manuscript
Publisher: [s.n.]
Contributor: Tod Nomyn Gerel Center

Xutuqtu sayin yabudaliyin irö:liyin xāni sudur orošiboi

Description: Black and red ink clear script manuscript
Publisher: [s.n.]
Contributor: Tod Nomyn Gerel Center

Xutuqtu oqtorgui gazariyin nayiman gegen orosiboi

Description: Black and red ink clear script manuscript
Publisher: [s.n.]
Contributor: Tod Nomyn Gerel Center