Yemen Bibliography was compiled by American Institute for Yemeni Studies [Yemen].
There are 8 entries in 4 reference types in this bibliography searching keyword with YAR-USSR.


  • Katz, M. (1986). Russia and Arabia: Soviet Foreign Policy toward the Arabian Peninsula. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Keyword(s): PDRY, PDRY-USSR, YAR-USSR
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML


  • Aliboni, R. (1985). Southern Arabia. In The Red Sea Region: Local Actors and the Superpowers (pp. 32-44). Syracuse, NY: n.a..
    Keyword(s): YAR-Saudi Arabia, YAR-USSR
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Viotti, P. (1983). Politics in the Yemens and the Horn of Africa: Constraints on a superpower. In M. Kauppi (Ed.), The Soviet Union and the Middle East in the 1980s: Opportunities, Constraints, and Dilemmas (pp. 211-26). Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
    Keyword(s): Cuba, GDR, PDRY-USSR, YAR-USSR
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML


  • Albert, M. (1976). La République arabe du Yémen à la recherche d'une politique étrangère. Maghreb-Machrek, 74 (Oct-Dec), 64-68.
    Keyword(s): Al-amdi, Ibrahim, Red Sea, YAR-USSR
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Braun, U. (1984). Golfregion, Südarabien, Syrien. Osteuropa, 9, 734-47.
    Keyword(s): PDRY-GDR, YAR-USSR
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Katz, M. (1984). Sanaa and the Soviets: Moscow's double-track policy. Problems of Communism, 33 (1), 21-34.
    Keyword(s): Military, YAR-USSR
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
