Yemen Bibliography was compiled by American Institute for Yemeni Studies [Yemen].
There are 2 entries in 1 reference type in this bibliography searching keyword with Foreign.


  • Karpowicz, J. (1987). Traditional beekeeping in North Yemen. In W. Daum (Ed.), Yemen: 3000 Years of Art and Civilisation in Arabia Felix (pp. 372-74). Innsbruck: Pinguin-Verlag.
    Keyword(s): Agriculture, Beekeeping, Foreign, Products
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  • Rajab, T. (1985). The development of the banking sector in the Yemen Arab Republic. In B. Pridham (Ed.), Economy, Society and Culture in Contemporary Yemen (pp. 96-101). London: Croom Helm.
    Keyword(s): Banking, Banks, Central, Foreign, YAR
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