Yemen Bibliography was compiled by American Institute for Yemeni Studies [Yemen].
There are 8 entries in 3 reference types in this bibliography searching keyword with Finances.


  • Carapico, S. (1985). Self-help and development planning in the Yemen Arab Republic. In J. García-Zamor (Ed.), Public Participation in Development Planning and Management: Cases from Africa and Asia (pp. 203-34). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
    Keyword(s): Finances, History, Projects
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Gerholm, T. (1983). Manakha. In A. Evin (Ed.), Yemen Background Papers (2 ed.) (pp. 28-29). Singapore: The Aga Khan Award for Architecture.
    Keyword(s): Finances, Manakhah
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Swanson, J. (1985). Emigrant remittances and local development: Co-operatives in the Yemen Arab Republic. In B. Pridham (Ed.), Economy, Society and Culture in Contemporary Yemen (pp. 132-46). London: Croom Helm.
    Keyword(s): Economy, Finances, History, Leadership, Migration, Remittances, YAR
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Tutwiler, R. (1984). Taawun Mahwit: A case study of a local development association in highland Yemen. In L. Cantori (Ed.), Local Politics and Development in the Middle East (pp. 166-92). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
    Keyword(s): Al-Mawit, Finances, History
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML


  • Cohen, J., Hébert, M., & Lewis, D. (1981). Development from below: Local development associations in the Yemen Arab Republic. World Development, 9 (11-12), 1039-61.
    Keyword(s): Agriculture, Finances, History
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Destremau, B. (1986). Yémen du Nord: Sur la voie du développement?. Maghreb-Machrek, 114, 73-83.
    Keyword(s): Finances, Government, Migration, Oil, People's General Congress, Projects
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Lutz, E. (1983). Die »Local Development Associations« in der Jemenitischen Arabischen Republik. Die Entwicklung einer Selbsthilfeorganisation und ihre sozio-politische Bedeutung. Orient, 24 (1), 82-94.
    Keyword(s): Finances, History
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML


  • Amer, A. (1986). Economic Planning in Yemen Arab Republic: The Dependency Problem. Sana'a (Beirut): .
    Keyword(s): Budgets, Finances
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML