Yemen Bibliography was compiled by American Institute for Yemeni Studies [Yemen].
There are 3 entries in 2 reference types in this bibliography searching keyword with Earthquakes.


  • Matthews, D. (1983). Earthqakes: The vulnerability of traditional buildings in Yemen. In A. Evin (Ed.), Yemen Background Papers (2 ed.) (pp. 62-69). Singapore: The Aga Khan Award for Architecture.
    Keyword(s): Architecture, Earthquakes
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML


  • Leslie, J. (1986). A building education program in North Yemen. Disasters, 10 (3), 163-71.
    Keyword(s): Earthquakes
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Rocco, A. (1983). Repubblica Araba dello Yemen. Ricostruzione dopo il sisma. Esportare, 2 (4), 12-15.
    Keyword(s): Earthquakes, Economy, General
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML