Transnationalism Bibliography was compiled by Mexico-North Research Network [Mexico].
There are 3 entries in 1 reference type in this bibliography searching keyword with Developing Countries.


  • Bernal, R. (1982). Transnational Banks, the International Monetary Fund and External Debt of Developing Countries. Social and Economic Studies, 31 (Dec.), 71-101.
    Keyword(s): Developing Countries
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  • Gordenker, L. (1983). Refugees in Developing Countries and Transnational Organization. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 467 (May), 62-77.
    Keyword(s): Developing Countries, Refugees
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML
  • Rama, R. (1985). Do Transnational Agribusiness Firms Encourage the Agriculture of Developing Countries? The Mexican Experience. International Social Science Journal, 37 (3), 331-343.
    Keyword(s): Developing Countries, Mexico
    Annotation(s): Summary
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML