Transnationalism Bibliography

Question(s) addressed by the author and working arguments

The emergence of transnational communities is a global phenomenon, principally concerning post-colonial immigration. Transnational communities may be considered as a new kind of migrant community. Increasing mobility and the development of communication have contributed to create a transnational space of economic, cultural and political participation.

Transnational organization allows the immigrant populations to escape national policies, and generates a new space of socialization for immigrants involved in building networks beyond national borders. In Europe, an important an important number of transnational networks of immigrant workers have arisen in order to claim recognition of a collective identity. What is new about transnationality it is its organizational aspect: constructed networks and structured communities.

In the EU, transnational communities may transcend the boundaries of member states, relating a vast European space to the country of origin. Supranational institutions function as transnational lobbies or interest groups, acting among many other such groups in Europe. Transnational networks have introduced a new mode of participation on national and European levels.

Conceptual references to transnational – transnationalism

The term transnational refers to communities made up of individuals or groups, settled in different national societies, sharing common interest and references and using transnational networks to consolidate solidarity beyond national boundaries. Transnational communities, Transnational lobbing and interest groups, transnationality, transnational organizations and transnational spaces.

Conclusions or Final Remarks

Transnationalism leads to an institutional expression of multiple belonging, where the country of origin becomes a source of identity, the country of residence a source of rights, and the emerging transnational space of political action combining the two or more countries.